You’re probably thinking that the title should be ‘Getting a job in Australia with a good Resume.’ But, before you ask, the title of this blog article is correct!

While your Resume and Cover Letter are important, there are other ways that you can get a job in Australia. I’m going to share with you a few strategies for getting a job in Australia without a Resume. Sounds crazy but it’s been done before.

Getting a job in Australia requires a multi-pronged approach through organic channels and networking.

Why don’t I need a Resume to get a job in Australia?

You don’t need a Resume if you’re going to use non-traditional approaches to getting a job. That means not applying for jobs online through SEEK, My Career and Indeed.

Networking is an effective way of getting a job without handing in a Resume. Investing some effort into your job search to reach out to friends, alumni or professionals can ultimately lead to interviews.  

Industry research by Linkedin has found that up to 85% of jobs are filled via networking.

Now, networking isn’t always easy. It requires determination and persistence on the job seekers’ part. Using LinkedIn as a platform to connect with others in your industry is an excellent way to get a job in Australia without needing a Resume.

So, you don’t need a Resume if you’re going to be proactive and hunt down what I call ‘key decision-makers’.

Who are the key decision-makers?

Key decision-makers are people who can introduce you to vacancies. They include:

  • Recruiters
  • HR managers
  • Junior/mid-level employees at organisations that you want to work for
  • Managers and senior executives at organisations you want to work for

How do I approach key decision-makers?

Engaging with key decision-makers takes time, patience and most of all – a strategy.

You can’t just pick up the phone, send an email or write them a message on LinkedIn and ask if they have a job for you.

To find a job opening through key decision-makers, you have to spend time and build your relationship with them from the ground up. 

6 Steps to getting a job in Australia without a Resume:

1.      Common interest: Find a common interest or connection point that you can use when introducing yourself via email or LinkedIn (otherwise you will come across like a cold caller).

2.      Focus on them: Avoid asking if there are there any opportunities and avoid telling them about yourself. I’ve seen too many introduction messages with ‘would you like a copy of my CV?’ At this point, they don’t care, and you’re a cold caller. Focus on them – who they are, their needs and what motivates them.

3.      Did they reply? After your introduction, wait for a reply. If they don’t respond after two weeks, send a follow-up. This must be a tailored message.

4.      Build the relationship: After initial contact, start building the relationship. For example, you could share a relevant article about industry trends that they will be interested in. Your objective is to arrange a time to meet for a coffee.

5.     Set up the meeting: You can explain your background at this point and tell them that you’d love the opportunity to meet and learn more about the industry and market. Acknowledge that you know they’re busy and that you would be grateful if they can spare half an hour.

6.      When you meet: Dress corporate casual, be professional and impress them so they remember you. Introduce your experience and skills and what brought you to Australia. You’re here to further your career and are so happy to have the opportunity to meet people in the industry. Talk about your desire to gain work experience, including unpaid work.

Bonus tips after your meeting! 

  • Follow up: After your meeting, send a follow-up email or phone call to thank them.
  • Stay in touch: Share relevant articles and information with them and send them a touchpoint email every two weeks. Ideally, you want to build a relationship where they support you in your job search and they become an advocate for you.
  • Referrals: Ask politely if they have colleagues in the same industry that they can refer you to (for work experience or to share knowledge).
  • Top of mind: Keep in touch and stay fresh in their mind in case an opportunity comes up.

Final thoughts:

The above is just one example with one key decision-maker. It may take you a hundred introductions to get five face-to-face coffee meetings. That’s a good result! The five people you meet may introduce you to:
1.      A vacancy within their organisation
2.      A referral to a colleague within their organisation
3.      A referral to a colleague in another organisation
4.      Vital industry knowledge, resources and tips on how to break into the market

My recommendation for getting a job:

I always recommend my clients to have a dual strategy. That is, apply for jobs online, through LinkedIn and networking.

I’m not saying that you won’t ever need a Resume. You will need a Resume – however, the above approach has been effective for many overseas job seekers too.

If you’d like to learn how to get a job in Australia using this approach then feel free to contact me.

I wish you well in your job search in Australia.

Naren – Career Coach from Career Success Australia